US election: focus on climate change


Climate change is the key issue of USA 2020 election, considering what is going on in the world: California is devastated by forest fires, in addition to the ongoing pandemic of coronavirus and the consequent depression worldwide.

The two candidates, the Republican Trump and the Democratic Biden, present two opposing visions of the issue.

In the fire-affected California, as BBC reported, a prolonged drought has destroyed millions of trees; the mountain regions, that are usually cool and humid, have now become very dry, increasing the probability of fires.

Trump has recently replied to the head of California’s Natural Resources Agency, Wade Crowfoot, “I don’t think science knows” what is going on and “it’ll start getting cooler”, when asked about a solution to the problem of wildfires in California, confirming his policy of climate change denial.

His declaration is just the tip of the iceberg, considering that he pulled the US out of the Paris climate agreement and has changed 70 environmental policies.

On the opposite side, Biden has proved to be more sensitive to the climate issue, promising to rejoin the Paris environmental agreement and to work on the restoration of important environmental policies.


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