AUSTRALIA - 12 months after the "Apocalypse"

«After 8 months, Australia is no longer burning».

This was the tweet dated March 2 from the Australian firefighters.

Now, twelve months after the start of fire, the damage and consequences of this disaster continue to be counted.

For 240 days, the fires destroyed the forests in the south-east of the country, killing 33 people, destroying 30,000 homes and killing, an estimated, one billion animal species.

To understand the extent of the damage, just think that insurance companies will have to pay out about 1.3 billion Australian dollars to compensate citizens.

Other problems arise from the health point of view. In fact, in the «months of fire», the inhabitants, even those of big cities like Sydney and Melbourne, breathed a highly toxic air. According to the authorities, the long-term consequences are currently difficult to assess.

The cause of this real «apocalypse» is climate change, which increases the risk of fires by 30% (according to World Weather Attribution). 

If the global temperature were to increase even by only two degrees compared to the pre-industrial era, fires could be four times more frequent.


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