Palm oil is destroying rainforests, report warns

The palm oil is dangerous for the environment, now it's official. The increase in production is contributing to the destruction of large sections of forests. Malaysia and Indonesia are the most involved countries because they are big producers of this kind of oil. 
The Global Palm Oil Production stated in its last report that in the last year has been produced 9,6% more, causing the doubling (someone says tripled)  of the hectares, for the most part by cutting the rainforests off. Every year, according to an evaluation, one million hectares of forest is destroyed in Indonesia to make room for oil palm plantations. 
This kind of destruction means a slaughter of biodiversity: only the 15% of the species are able to adapt to a new environment. 
But if, for example, the palm oil was replaced with the soybean oil, we would need to cultivate a ten times larger surface. 


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