The biodegradable bags do not wear out after three years in the environment

Biodegradable bags have become a symbol for the struggles in favour of the environment and civilization. However, recent studies have revealed that the bags still resist for three years both at sea and in contact with the ground. 

The researchers from the University of Plymouth’s International Marine Litter Research Unit have shown that biodegradable bags are not a functional solution to the problem of plastic pollution

Their experiment was published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology: The research for the first time tested compostable bags, two forms of biodegradable bag and conventional carrier bags after long-term exposure to the sea, air and earth. None of the bags decomposed fully in all environments

Imogen Napper, marine scientist and head the study, said: «After three years, I was really amazed that any of the bags could still hold a load of shopping. For biodegradable bags to be able to do that was the most surprising. When you see something labelled in that way, I think you automatically assume it will degrade more quickly than conventional bags. But, after three years at least, our research shows that might not be the case». 

The research says that some of these products are marketed together with statements that indicate their effectiveness in combating pollution, proving instead as a deceptive or unclear advertising. «We demonstrate here that the materials tested did not present any consistent, reliable and relevant advantage in the context of marine litter - they said- It concerns me that these novel materials also present challenges in recycling. Our study emphasises the need for standards relating to degradable materials, clearly outlining the appropriate disposal pathway and rates of degradation that can be expected». 

Some companies that producing bags, like the “Vegware” accepted the results and considered the study as a «timely reminder that no material was magic, and could only be recycled in its correct facility». 

In short, the challenge against plastic pollution is not yet complete.


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