Better economic conditions support new environmental policies

More Americans prioritize environment than economy (by 65% to 30%). This result emerges from the research of Gallup, a global analytics, statistics and advice firm. 

Today, more Americans believe environmental protection should take precedence over economic growth when the two goals conflict. This is a big change from just a few years ago. 

From 1984 to the first day of March 2019, Gallup has asked whether «protection of the environment should be given priority, even at the risk of curbing economic growth» or «economic growth should be given priority, even if the environment suffers to some extent». 

With the exception between 2009 and 2013, as the economy struggled to emerge from the recession with more Americans prioritized the economy over the environment, a preference for environmental protection has typically led economic growth on this question by a significant margin. 

There is some variation on this question by age. Adults aged 18 to 34 are more likely than those 35 and older to give precedence to environmental protection over economic growth. However, the sharpest differences are by party. Eight in 10 Democrats (82%) and 71% of independents prioritize environmental protection, versus 35% of Republicans. On the other side, the majority of Republicans (60%) say economic growth should be considered first, versus 24% of independents and 13% of Democrats. 

In comparing preferences for the economy on this question with U.S. economic indicators, it is clear that when the economy is doing well, fewer Americans believe economic growth should be the priority and more are willing to give precedence to environmental protection

With the U.S. unemployment rate holding at or below 4% for much of the past year, Americans are less likely to prioritize economic growth over environmental protection. It appears that now is a good time to promote aggressive climate legislation

The trends suggest attitudes would be very different during more challenging economic times. This better economic conditions and this change of mentality could be important to start immediately to improve the conditions of the Earth.


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