The only #10yearschallenge you should worry about

Less wrinkles but more ice. It is the effect of passing time, whose effects we should all worry about. But not on ourselves. The social game # 10yearschallenge changes the attention from man to nature, inviting to post a photo-comparison about nature (not just selfies) of 2009-2019 period. Thus, in addition to the images of the Stars on Facebook and Instagram, there are also portraits of the Antarctica yesterday and today, the Amazon swept away by deforestation, the the advancing of Sahara.

WWF and Greenpeace are in pole position for the dissemination of images that demonstrate the effects of the changing climate. But many, known and unknown, have accepted the challenge and are passionate about the cause: «This is the only #10yearschallenge you should worry about», said Guillaume Canet posting a photo in order to remember the melting of the ice.

«This #10yearschallenge shows that man has destroyed so much nature, but that we are still in time to win the challenge against extinction,» warns the WWF. Fauna and flora, Oceans and Polar circles are at the limit.

«The African elephant is the largest mammal in the world and its ivory tusks can reach up to 2-3 meters in length. In 10 years, the ivory trade has become increasingly devastating: we lost 144 thousand African elephants between 2007 and 2014 and poaching is one of the first causes of death for these extraordinary mammals», explains Greepeace.

«Africa is also a land of rhinos, imposing animals that risk disappearing forever because of the terrible trade in horns. Only in South Africa, more than 4 thousand rhinos were killed in 10 years, from 2007 to 2016, and the Rhino poaching has increased by 9000%», environmentalists warn.

It's no better for the king of animals. «In just 21 years (3 generations for the animal), the world has lost 42% of the lions that populated the African continent. According to IUCN estimates, in Africa there are less than 20 thounsand of lions, also due to the extinction in 12 Sub Saharians countries», explains WWF. Every day the life of the lion is threatened by the hunting of the local populations, the poaching and the illegal trade of those who consider it a trophy. Deforestation, an increase in the human population and an extension of agriculture make their habitat more and more uninhabitable.


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