«No more plastic», the EU parliament voted

By 2021 the use of disposable plastic items will be banned throughout the European Union. Disposable items such as cutlery, cotton sticks for cleaning ears, dishes, straws, beverage mixers and balloons make up more than 70% of marine waste. It is the proposal voted by the European Parliament and passed with 571 votes in favour, 53 against and 34 abstentions. The Euro Parliament will start negotiations with the Council as soon as EU ministers have established their common position. The proposal was put forward by the rapporteur, Frédérique Ries (Alde, Belgium), who thanked «the plenary for its massive support».

Euro-MPs added fast-food containers made of expanded polystyrene and oxy-degradable plastic articles (such as bags or packaging) to the list of prohibited plastics proposed to the Commission. The Parliament also declares war on cigarette butts containing plastic, whose quantity in waste must be reduced by 50% by 2025 and by 80% by 2030, with tobacco producers called to bear the costs of treatment and collection, including transport. Same rules for the producers of plastic fishing gear, which will have to contribute to achieving a recycling target set at least 15% by 2025. Member States should also ensure that at least 50% of fishing gears containing plastic lost or abandoned is collected every year.

Also for EU countries, it will be necessary to reduce the use of plastic products for which there are no alternatives (single-use boxes for hamburgers and sandwiches and food containers for fruits and vegetables, desserts or ice creams) of 25% by 2025. Other plastics, such as bottles for drinks, must be collected separately and recycled at 90% by 2025. The rapporteur of the report, the Belgian Liberal Frederique Ries, intends to open negotiations with the Council in November. Indeed, member countries are accelerating work on a dossier that EU sources claim to be «of great interest in all countries». Currently, 6 November is the provisional date for the start of meetings between representatives of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission.

Even if «Europe is only responsible for a small part of the plastics that pollute our oceans can and must be a key player in finding solutions globally», commented Frédérique Ries. A vote that «made history», according to Rethink Plastic, an alliance of ten associations and environmental organizations.


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