Greenhouse gas emissions, antibiotics in farms and drinking water: what the EU Parliament has decided

The European Parliament voted some important rules which are going to increase pollution fighting in EU. After taking care of plastic problem, by forbidding disposable plastic items in the Union, the Euro-MPs took initiative about greenhouse gas emissions, chemistry in farms and potable water.

A motion approved by the plenary of the European Parliament with 239 votes in favor, 145 against and 23 abstentions, asks to increase the EU emissions reduction targets by 2030 from the current 40% to 55% compared to 1990 levels, to maintain the commitments of the Paris climate agreement. Waiting for the climate conference in Katovice scheduled for December, parliamentarians are calling on EU countries to promote concrete actions to keep the global average temperature rise within 1.5 degrees compared to the pre-industrial era, instead of the 2 degrees generally indicated as a target.

Last Wednesday, the European Parliament approved a regulation prohibiting the preventive use of antibiotics on farms. The regulation on veterinary drugs, which in order to become law must now have the formal approval of the Council, limits its use as a preventive measure, in the absence of clinical signs of infection, of antimicrobials. Furthermore, in Brussels a second regulation had the approval of the plenary and introduced a ban on the preventive use of antibiotics in medicated feeds. The treatment of the entire group of animals when only one is infected will be allowed only when the risk of spreading the infection is high and there is no alternative. All decisions that must be made only after a visit and diagnosis of a veterinarian.

As for drinking water, Parliament wants it to be safer and more accessible to everyone, to serve it free in the restaurant, to reduce plastic pollution and save money. Among other things, standards have been approved for reducing pollutants such as lead, increasing the quality of drinking water, encouraging consumption in public places (building fountains and drinking fountains in cities where technically feasible), guaranteeing free access to that from the tap and served in restaurants, canteens and catering services. The vote was suffered: 300 in favor, 98 against and 274 abstained. Someone - in fact - wanted more. For example, on the right of access to water, a subject on which the European Parliament has allowed a softer position than the "guaranteed" position of the European Commission.


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