Timac Agro Italia and Coprob signed a partnership to promote circular economy within the agricultural sector


Within the objective of reducing the impact of agriculture on the ecosystem, this new project can be considered an innovation in the sector. 

While “plant nutrition” is the core business of Timac Agro Italia – the Italian section of the Roullier group -, Coprob is a cooperative operating in the sugar-beet industry. The partnership between these two companies is aimed at giving new life to the by-products of the sugar-beet production, obtaining a perfect circular economy. Namely, the sugar-beet by-products will be turned into fertilizer

The “Restituire energia alla terra” project (which means: Giving back energy to the heart) will be operative and effective thanks to the application of the innovative technology called ENERGEO®. This new technology has been developed by the “Centro Mondiale dell’Inovazione (CMI) Roullier” (Global Innovation Centre Roullier). Namely, the biggest private research center in Europe. 

As pointed out by Pierluigi Sassi CEO of Timac Agro Italia, this whole project meets the global demand for food safety in a correct balance between respect of natural resources, protection of the environment and technological progress. 

On the other side, the Coprob President, Claudio Gallerani, explained that this project falls within a major action program aimed at turning the sugar-beet industry into a full bio industry in the next five years. 

Finally, the realization of this new organic fertilizer will be a benefit for the Italian agriculture. Indeed, it will be available all year long and all over Italy and will provide a relief for the environment. 


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