The UK proclaims the climatic state of emergency

In the United Kingdom, despite the many emergencies, starting with Brexit and the situation in Ireland, the parliament has proclaimed a climatic emergency, approving the motion presented by the opposition and becoming the first country in the world to move in this direction

The approval of the motion is an important success for the leader of the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn, who had personally presented the text to the Parliament, as well as for the ecological movements. The Labor proposal provides for an increase in renewable sources in practice and the cancellation of all harmful emissions before the date set for the 2050. Corbyn said the world faced a climate crisis that would “spiral dangerously out of control” unless rapid and dramatic action was taken immediately. He said: «We are talking about nothing less than the irreversible destruction of the environment within our lifetimes». 

The secretary of the Ministry of the Environment, Michael Gove, in response, said he shared the same general ideas: «Not only do I welcome the opportunity that this debate provide, I also want to make it clear that on this side of the house we recognise that the situation we face is an emergency. It is a crisis, it is a threat, that all of us have to unite to meet». 

Corbyn told a crowd of environmental activist that «this can be the beginning of a series of actions». The British leader has also launched a challenge to the president of the United States, (as well as Gove) accusing him directly for the lack of commitment in the fight against the worsening of the climate. «We pledge to work – Corbyn said - as closely as possible with countries that are serious about ending the climate catastrophe and make clear to Donald Trump that he cannot ignore international agreements and action on the climate crisis». 

The message of the British parliament is adressed at the sense of responsibility of the current politicians. The leader of the labour said: «Are we content to hand down a broken planet to our children? That is the question members must ask themselves today. We have the chance to act before it’s too late. It’s a chance that won’t be available to succeeding generations. It is our historic duty to take it»


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