The expansion of tropical zones towards the Poles

Global warming is pushing tropical cyclones towards the Poles, far away from the equator. In this way new regions will be hit by this phenomenons, that will make them dry zones. According to a report written by some researchers from the Melbourne University, in Australia, tropical area is expanding, gaining 111 km for decade. Scientists analyzed data concerning the period from 1980 and 2014.

«In most oceanic waters there is a decrease of tropical cyclones around the equator, while more and more cyclones are generated far from the equator» claimed Kevin Walsh, the main author of this report, who belongs to the Earth Science School of the university. The study was published on Nature Climate Change. This phenomenon is more noticeable in the south of Pacific Ocean, while it’s less evident in the Atlantic Ocean.

«Projections show a repositioning of the tropical zone, associated with the climate change: in this way, the cyclones’ genesis will move towards the poles, so the risk concerning tropical cyclones are rising for regions in higher latitude», Walsh said. Climate models had not showed until now how risky is this trend, the scientists claimed. If greenhouse gas emissions will rise, this expansions could expand tropical dry zone highly. «The main risk is that climate change would mean something like moving from Rome to London, from Brisbane to Sidney, by the end of the century», scientists explained.


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