Electric cars emit 50% less greenhouse has than diesel

A new study by Belgium's VUB University found that electric cars emit significantly less greenhouse gases over their lifetimes than diesel engines, even when they are powered by the most carbon intensive energy.

The study was commissioned by T&E, Transport & Environment, a think tank whose mission is to promote, at EU and global level, a transport policy based on the principles of sustainable development.

The researchers used an EU estimate of Poland's emissions and they found that, in Poland, electric vehicles produce a quarter less emissions than diesels.

“We’ve been facing a lot of fake news in the past year about electrification put out by the fuel industry but in this study you can see that even in Poland today it is more beneficial to the climate to drive an electric vehicle than a diesel” said Yoann Le Petit, a spokesman for T&E.

Earlier this month, Miguel Canete, the EU's climate commissioner, said that the Commission is planning to ensure a minimum share of low emitting vehicles.

Anyway, just 1.7% of new vehicles sold in Europe are electric and it is questioned whether Europe has access to enough lithium to create a bigger market share for electric cars in the near future.


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