G20: US abandons climate deal

During the last Summit in Hamburg, nineteen of the G20 countries have affirmed the irreversibility of the Paris climate agreement. After days of negotiations, in fact, US decision of withdrawing the Paris deal was reiterated. Angela Merkel, German chancellor, disapproved the US exit. “I think it’s very clear that we could not reach consensus, but the differences were not papered over, they were clearly stated,” Merkel told reporters at the end of the two-day meeting. "It’s absolutely clear it is not a common position".
The final joint statement reads: "We take note of the decision of the United States of America to withdraw from the Paris agreement,” adding: “The leaders of the other G20 members state that the Paris agreement is irreversible” and “we reaffirm our strong commitment to the Paris agreement".
"Chancellor Merkel demonstrated deft leadership in rallying 19 of the world’s largest economies to deliver an unmistakable message behind climate action", said Andrew Steer, president of the World Resources Institute.


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