WATEC Italy, the international exhibition and conference on technologies for water treatment and environmental control, it is an event created by Kenes Exhibitions, and will take place in Venice, at the Pala Expo Via Ferraris dal 21st to 23rd September in 2016. The event is an important showcase for Italian companies that dealing with the treatment of industrial and domestic effluent (part of the event will be illustrated, in fact, the best technologies before an audience of academic experts and policy makers), and an opportunity for the industries of the most polluting industries - such as tanning, great distribution, hospitality, textile, oil and gas, chemical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, sugar, paper, and slaughterhouses - to interact with the reality of excellence and adopt new technologies to improve water sustainability of production. WATEC Italy was organized in collaboration with the World Bank, New York City, European Union, Ministry for the Environment, ICE-agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies, SACE, ANBI, Coldiretti, and many Israeli organizations both public and private. Delegations from Nigeria, Australia Benelux, India, Israel, China and Singapore, have been selected as potential buyers to launch important initiatives in support of the Export Credit and technology transfer.
There will be experts from European funding (direct and indirect management) and national (SACE), as well as consultants of the companies exhibiting. The opening speech will be held by Corrado Clini, italian former Ministry of the Environment.
The goal is also to support companies in the recognition of Eligible financial lines for their profile able to place them on the main foreign markets. There will, finally, an intervention of a High Representative of the Bank World (Alexander Danilenko) dealing with the theme "Water and Public Health." Speakers from around the world will take turns during a series of conferences International lasting two days to feed debates and create a road map to the theme of water into line with the 2020 targets. Kenes Exhibitions has 20 years of experience in organizing events Business: This is an international company based in Tel Aviv, Hyderabad and Venice, creator - among others - WATEC event, an event that already has its international historic in Tel Aviv, India, Peru.
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