Italy earthquake, a plan of the former minister Clini blocked by bureaucracy

After the earthquake that hit central Italy there have been controversies about the absence of the plan to reduce the seismic risk . 

On the Italian newspaper Libero Corrado Clini, the former minister of the Environment explains the plan he proposed in 2012 for the safety of the territory which, if implemented, would have been possible to areas affected by the recent earthquake to have more tools to prevent disaster. 

But the next government will not shoot that plane . "I think he lost because of too many procedures . It's a lack of political direction. The long-term programs in Italy do not do anymore because it prevailed in politics and even in the electorate request to have answers soon". 

Let's talk about a programming tool funded each year for sure for 2.5 billion euro, creating over 15 years structural interventions on the territory is related to landslide risk to the seismic one , because the two more or less overlapping maps . "For each region were indicated data updates on the security problems of the territory and the actions to be implemented", says the former minister of the Environment.


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