Clini: "Concrete measures are needed but Cop21 is not the appropriate forum"

On the italian magazine Focus Corrado Clini explained the possible scenarios of Cop21. According to the former Minister of Environment, the Conference of Parties on Climate Change could end like Copenaghen 6 years ago if the aim is to reach a binding agreement. “We are like in Copenaghen” Clini said. The strategy of the European Union is aimed to a binding agreement but this strategy “will fail and probably will lose a lot of time. We will continue a discussion that will not lead to a positive result".

Obama's proposal, however, according to Clini, "may also be accepted by China and India, is making sure that there is a mechanism for the commitments voluntarily assumed and that each country has already submitted". Practically, "it is a mechanism with no duties". A proposal certainly more realistic, but in Clini’s opinion, "only serves to keep open the discussion and to emphasize the virtuous countries. But without financial mechanisms and economic is quite useless”.

The remedy of the former Minister of the Environment is simple: "to improve the technologies to be used in their countries to increase energy production and reduce their emissions."The World Trade Organization, therefore, "should open the discussion on these issues with two basic facilities: reduction of tariff barriers and introduction of global rules to which companies and societies holders of advanced technologies that the exporting countries third have tax benefits in the country of origin".


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