
Showing posts from 2015

Will Setting Goals End Hunger? What’s Next for the SDGs…

Traffic restrictions across northern Italy as pollution levels smash EU limits

COP21 ends with agreement to limit and reduce emissions, will it work?

Climate change is not waiting for the next step in 2020

Surveillance, an anti-pollution weapon

Big Oil, Make Way for Big Solar. The Winners and Losers in Paris

Paris climate deal: reaction from the experts

Falling oil prices: Who are the winners and losers?

Falling Short on Climate in Paris

Hope From Paris

Clini: "Concrete measures are needed but Cop21 is not the appropriate forum"

Paris climate talks: delegates warn of flaws in ambitious proposals for deal

Stunning environment-themed images projected on to St Peter's Basilica

Where is the world's most polluted city?

COP21: Paris conference could be climate turning point, says Obama

Paris climate talks: Developed countries must do more than reduce emissions

Paris climate talks: Developed countries must do more than reduce emissions

Don't let Paris attacks stop COP21 climate change deal, pleads Obama